Da WaiMun COde : - + - = More -

This past few weeks, I had read articles on New Papers of youths blogging or putting videos online about their wild "Xperience" - Fighting, Bullying, Flaming friends, etc.

A thought came to my mind :

Negative + Negative = More Negative!

Negative + Positive = Less Negative or 0 or More Positive

Positive + Positive = More Positive

As you can see, I think like a Maths student (Becos I was a maths teacher ) =)

Before you go and break my Da WaiMun Code, let me decipher it for you :
When the environment is already negative being more negative would make it more negative.

However, if we choose to be positive in spite of the negative environment, we would induce a positive change to it. The environment becomes less negative. If we continuously add in positive influence, the environment would be transformed from negative to positive.

To cut my whole theory short, let me summarize what I am saying.

The internet is a powerful tool that we can communicate our thoughts, beliefs and values to people. We have in a sense TOTAL FREEDOM to use this POWER. Yet with this POWER comes RESPONSIBLITY.

Sadly, some of us choose to use the internet in a irrespsonsible way. We use it to vent out our frustrations on people. We entertain ourselves and have fun at the expense of others. We put shocking content to attract attraction and yet did not consider the effect on thers. The scary thing is that some of us are influenced to a extent that we believe being NEGATIVE is COOL as we are with the HAPPENING crowd =(

The end result of all this is that we make the environment in the Cyber Space more NEGATIVE and after surfing through it, we can pick up NEGATIVE attitudes, values or behaviour.

Let us be different and choose to be a POSTIVE influence in the Cyber Space. Be a Cyber user that INSPIRE others through POSITIVE behaviour on the net! For example, write a blog entry that encourages others to press in despite the difficulties. Put a video on youtube that brings a smile to people and give them hope for their problem.

Let adopt the renewed attitude that :

It is COOL to be POSITIVE!


Excellent article WM!

Hi! I think the latest entry is really good & insightful. I linked my blog post to urs.

im a little bit confused by the negative + positive = morepositive. i thought id they "neutralise" or something it should become less positive instead

Keep up the good work.