Teacher Prayer.. And it is not to make the whole class disappear =)

Today I was teaching at NBSS (guess which school is this =P ). As I was walking out of the school, I saw something inspiring on the notice board.

A Teacher's Prayer
James J. Metcalf
I want to teach my students how to live this life on earth,
To face its struggles and its strife And to improve their worth
Not just the lesson in a book, Or how the rivers flow,
But to choose the proper path, Wherever they may go.

To understand eternal truth, And know right from wrong,
And gather all the beauty of A flower and a song,

For if I help the world to grow In wisdom and grace,
Then I feel that I have won And I have filled my place.

And so I ask your guidance, God That I may do my part,
For character and confidence And happiness of heart.
I really enjoy my job as a CRuSH trainer. Yet at times, I do get tired by the teaching and take it as just a job. As a result, I can become functional when I interact with my students.
This prayer really inspires me that it is not just knowledge, rules or know-how I want to pass on to the students. But I do hope to impart to them the passion to live life, the joy of discovering who they are, the love for people and the wisdom to know right or wrong.
Of cos, this seems impossible! Well with man it is impossible. The only thing i can do is learn from my Master Teacher up there =)


I have a question for you :
What is something that you had queuedor would queue up overnight for?
Can you humour me and think for a while =)Think…………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Think some more……………………………………………………………………………………..
Okay, what is your answer? I asked around and these were 3 answers I got from some people :

Hello Kitty!!! (there was a craze 10 years ago)

See a super star!!!

(www.kpopmusic.co.uk/posts7756-highlight.html )

To sign up for Project Superstar!!!!


Well, this question came to my mind after I read that more than 15,000 people queued up to get the new expansion pack of World of Warcraft last Tuesday at Suntec.

These people must be real passionate about the game. Imagine the things one has to endure through the long period of waiting time: boredom, tiredness, weather conditions (think it rained on Tuesday), etc.

But I can imagine the joy of getting your hands on the expansion pack and going home to explore the new WOW maps as well level up to the new levels.

However, it is important to be balanced and realistic when it comes to such joy. I got worried when I read in the newspaper of people who spent the whole week playing WOW new expansion and neglect their own needs, families and friends.

Like it or not, we may be high level characters in the game and had lots of treasures. But all these are VIRTUAL (not real). If the game crash, we lose it all. But each one of us has a REAL life with a REAL character. We also have real treasures. These are the people in our lives : our families, friends, colleagues, etc. We need to make effort to level up our real character and seek and store up these treasures of relationships by looking out for their needs.

My motto of the week :



Side note : Hmm, maybe you are wondering, ”What would I queue up overnight for?” Honestly, I think I would not really queue up for anything. I am quite functional. For example, I always go for the shortest queue when I buy lunch at food court. If I do queue, it would be queuing up for something that a family member or friend wants.

This is CREATIVE, TOUCHING, full of LOVE and is in NJC!

Stumbled onto this trailer on a book when a student emailed me a chain-mail =)

Subject: FW: A Sad Singapore Junior College Love Story!
Date: Fri, 12 Jan 2007 19:48:05 +0800
I just came across this very touching local love story! Joanna is a 17 years old student in National Junior College. Like any other Singaporeans, she lives in a HDB flat and eats at coffeeshop. But she believes that she has a curse: She believes that whatever negative things that she said will come true.

Jacky, a classmate of Joanna, believes that Joanna is not suffering from any curse. He believes that Joanna is just suffering from some mental illness. When their paths crossed, a touching love story began.

Read their bittersweet love story at http://www.goodybooks.com/ibelieveyou.htm ! Over ten thousand readers in Singapore had read their story: now it¡¯s your >turn!>>You can watch the video trailer of the story at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wIDRtEOLWiU

What a CREATIVE way to sell a book! Basically, you can go to the website http://www.goodybooks.com/ibelieveyou.htm to read Chapter 1 to 17. Then if you want to know the ending, you pay money to get the last 3 chapters.

Btw, I personally find this trailer quite TOUCHING.

But what amazes me that it was done only with simple pictures, a few captions and nice music. Simple and yet touching.

Try switching off your comp sound and watch the U-tube video. Clearly, you can see that the music does make a big difference! Make you enter into the mood of the story. That shows the power of music and its impact it can have on us.

As for the story, I think it should be quite full of LOVE. But I do not have the time to read through all the chapters. Can someone please tell me the ending =) Save me time and money!

Of cos, this story may make some of us wish that we can also experience this kind of pure and eternal love. Well we need not get a major illness to have it =) We must be realistic that real love is not so airy-fairy. We need to work hard in growing in love. And what better way to start than to start loving the loved ones in our lives : our parents, teachers, friends!

The best part of the whole story that the 2 lovers are from NJC. I am from NJC too!

Gaming for Life!

I have been gaming since I was Secondary One. Some of the games that I played back then were Atari Defender, Pacman and King Quest.

By the looks of these games, you can surely guess how “ancient” I am. =)

Gaming to me was a way to have fun and live out fantasy personalities in alternative worlds. In short, it was a form of escape from reality into the virtual world.

However, there was a period of time when I found myself escaping into the virtual world and refuse to come out of it. I actually played non-stop for 5 whole days to complete a game called Dungeons and Dragons. Instead of me controlling the gaming, the game controlled me. I was literally “Gaming for Life” such that the game took complete control of my life.

That is why I can identify with this video on a WOW addict on U-tube. I was like him once =( I am also touched by his sister’s concern and plea for help.

It is good to hear from you with regards to gaming. Do comment on the following questions:
a) What are some of your thoughts after watching the video?
b) If you are the sister of the man, what advise would you give to him?
c) When you play online games, how long you play? What is your motivation?
E.g. relax, spend time with friends, like the feeling of winning, to level up, etc
d) Do you think you are excessive in your gaming? If yes, what are some things you would like to do to balance your gaming?

I am Back!

I have not been writing in my blog for the last 2 months. Been busy with work and church.
This is my 1st (and hopefully) not last posts in 2007! And what better way to start the year then by setting my new Year resolutions!
Here is my top 3 new year resolutions (not in any order of priority but in the order of what comes to my mind now =oP )
1. To write 1 blog entry every week
Recently, I had lunch with my JC CCA mates. One of them mentioned that he enjoyed reading my blogs. I was so touched that my blog actually encouraged someone. I also was very touched when I read the tag boards and pple asked about why I stopped blogging.
I do have things to blog and inspiration does come. But I just never pen them down. Well I resolve not to let my loyal readers be disappointed =)
2. To run 42 km Std Charted Marathon by end of the year!
This yaer I ran only 10 kn. Found it a waste of time & money. Imagine waking up at 5am, take cab down and take the hassle of a big crowd just to run 10km. And I paid $35 for it =( I could have stay home and run at my house.
Therefore, I am going to make my money and trouble worth by running all 42 km of it! ANyone want to train and run with me? I starting to jog 5 km 3 times a week.
3. To spend more time at home and get to know my nieces better!
Did I ever mention that my 2nd brother has 2 cute daughters. They stayed over at my house during the day while my brother and sister-in-law worked. But sad to say, I seldom goes home early. By the time I am back, they would have left. I was quite sad when the elder daughter refuses to greet me. Worst still is that I made the youngest daughter (she is only 1 yr old) cried when I carried her.
I am going to make effort to go jome earlier and spend more time with them. There is nothing more important than family!
May this be the year of BREAKOUT for U and Me!