Gaming for Life!

I have been gaming since I was Secondary One. Some of the games that I played back then were Atari Defender, Pacman and King Quest.

By the looks of these games, you can surely guess how “ancient” I am. =)

Gaming to me was a way to have fun and live out fantasy personalities in alternative worlds. In short, it was a form of escape from reality into the virtual world.

However, there was a period of time when I found myself escaping into the virtual world and refuse to come out of it. I actually played non-stop for 5 whole days to complete a game called Dungeons and Dragons. Instead of me controlling the gaming, the game controlled me. I was literally “Gaming for Life” such that the game took complete control of my life.

That is why I can identify with this video on a WOW addict on U-tube. I was like him once =( I am also touched by his sister’s concern and plea for help.

It is good to hear from you with regards to gaming. Do comment on the following questions:
a) What are some of your thoughts after watching the video?
b) If you are the sister of the man, what advise would you give to him?
c) When you play online games, how long you play? What is your motivation?
E.g. relax, spend time with friends, like the feeling of winning, to level up, etc
d) Do you think you are excessive in your gaming? If yes, what are some things you would like to do to balance your gaming?


the article on WOW was frightening, cant believe that people will go nuts over it