I need help!


In our lessons on cyber-wellness, we will teach the youths to be careful when they chat with people online. Do not be sweet-talked by their online "friends" and make themselves vulnerable physcially and emotionally.
Personally, I find that when we are in our teenage years, we are in a period of discovering who we are: our identify, talents, strengths and weaknesses. During this period of seeking, we are receptive to new ideas and people.

Friends to us are important as we feel that they are an important part of our identify. More friends you have means you are popular. Peer acceptance is very important. Yet out of it will come negative peer pressure when we just blindly follow the crowd.
At the same time, we no longer just take and accept whole-sale the values that our parents or teachers have taught us.
We are testing them out and at times may even "discard" the values taught as we feel that they are no longer relevant to us in this new generation. We want to have the freedom to make our own decisions and to run our own lives. Conflicts with authourity figures (parents and teachers) become common.
I think it is always good to be balance during this roller-coaster ride of self-discovery . During the HIGHS, we may feel ourselves going overboard and enjoying the freedom and forgetting the responsibility.
During the LOWS, we may feel confused, insecure or vulnerable. Mistakes are made and failures are encountered.
A wonderful way to help us strike balance is to have MENTORS around us to guide us.
MENTORS are more than friends! They are our coaches!
Like friends, mentors encourage us when we are down and appreciate us for just being who we are.
Yet they are more than friends. They are willingly to speak the truth into our lives and point out the weaknesses we have even though this may make us unpopular with us. Yet they do not criticize us to cut us down. They speak the truth in love in the hope that we will be build up through our failures to become the man or woman we should be and achieve our full potential.
MENTORS understand us ! They have been through it before!
In fact, they understand what we are going through because
they have walked the same journey before us. They are our pace-setter. They will share their secrets of their success so that we will be more successful! They will also share their past failures with us openly so that we can learn from their mistakes and avoid making the same ones.
Guess what. We do not just need mentors during the teenage years. We need them for life : to guide us through our JC, poly or university days, army daze, love of our life, career, wedding, marriage and father-hood or mother-hood.

What to do?
Are you encouraged by me and you want to find a mentor? Let me teach you 2 simple steps:

Step 1: I want to be help!
We cannot be helped until we want to be help.
Therefore, the 1st step to admit that we need help.

Step 2: I want U!

Go and look for a mentor. Start a Treasure hunt around your life now.

There are people around you that will make wonderful mentors.

Eg.. Parents, teachers, CCA seniors and the list go on.

Hope you take these 2 simple steps and
enter into a wonderful time of discovering who U R
together with your mentors!


It's meaningful to my life when I read your blog!

Thanks hoydenish =) It is good that my thoughts have blessed your life.

Btw, your comments have also blessed me because they encouraged me to blog more.

This is why we always say it is always more blessed to give than to receive for when you give you find yourselves not poorer but richer as the person you give to will be encouraged and give back to you!

Let keep giving and receiving!